The world is rich. Abundantly rich.
Every country is rich.

What gives value to products, metals etc?

So many things have been done by our leaders from the early days to mess up our knowledge of financial matters. That's the reason so many believe they can never experience financial abundance.

We are made to believe that when something is very valuable, it should not be readily available, hence, they have to follow a 'scarcity rule' to be accepted as valuable. 

If AIR was something to be controlled by our government, many would have died now because it is the most valuable substance for any living thing to keep existing.


Does this start to give you a paradigm shift? Are you thinking what I'm thinking now? 

Read on!

We are made to believe that 'The Market' determines the price of goods and services. 

Who is the market? It's you and I. It's made up of people like you and me. We are the market. We determine whether the price of a commodity should follow a particular trend we created previoulsy. We determine whether a commodity should be scarce or readily available. 
In summary, if we want a commodity to be available for everyone in our country, we would make it available. 

How do products thrive in the business world? It's just one rule. It's called ACCEPTANCE .
If a product/commodity is not accepted by a vast population of the world and some of the 'financial powers', that product will not see the light of day.
When cryptocurrency was first introduced in 2009 in the form of Bitcoin, if there had not been acceptance by many people, it would have become a history same year. If the whole human race do not purchase a product, despite its usefulness, it would never thrive.

The leaders create problems and then, when the masses start to suffer under the weight of the problem, they 'proffer' solutions that are actually baits because when the unsuspecting seek these solutions, they become entangled and cannot escape. When evolutionists come up with counter but PRODUCTIVE solutions to these problems, these leaders do all within their powers to kick against it, but, when they find out that they cannot succeed, they try to become part of the new system by being stakeholders so they could still influence the system to favour their selfish interest.
Take the current condition of the Bitcoin. Who says Bitcoin could not have continued to rise in value from the $17000+/BTC in December, 2017 till this time?

You need to know this. You may not believe it because of the kind of education we received.

Whatever we believe and practice today is a product of WHAT WE WERE TOLD (are still being told), WHAT WE READ (are still reading) and WHAT WE SAW/WATCH (still seeing and watching) -MoteFrancis (June, 2018).

So many country leaders and company owners have worked on (manipulated) the minds of their countrymen to the extent of influencing how they view things. These leaders know that abundance is possible, but, they do not want it to go round, hence, they amass wealth in form of gold (and other precious metals), properties and money for their generations yet unborn. 

Another thing is this; companies can pay their staff way more than they do at the moment for the same job they do. Unfortunately, they wouldn't do so because the owners of these companies want to maintain their financial status quo.

Thebillioncoin (TBC) comes with a different trend from other cryptocurrencies and this may not be a welcome idea to all because of the education we have received.
Instead of the value of the coins to be based on the principle of demand and supply like other cryptocurrencies, the value of TBC depends on the number of members. 

If we look at this TBC scope properly, you will understand that it's the involvement of good/active/positive people in a system that makes it thrive. Companies that thrive do so because they have many interested people patronize them. Products do well in the 'market place' because of the number of purchases of their unit which is a factor of the number of their customers. Telecommunication companies thrive when they have more purchases because of the number of their subscribers. In otherwords, new active customers/more customers make any business succeed.

Visit Thebillioncoin blog to know more about TBC. Your decision to be part of TBC MUST be a conscious one. As much as it is good to purchase cruptocurrencies, kindly know that they are a high-risk-high-return investments.

So, it's good you know what you're getting into before you commit your finances.

In general, for risk-averse conservative investors, it is advisable to allocate not more than 10% of your portfolio to high-risk instruments such as cryptocurrencies. You can start by purchasing $100 worth of TBC.

A Worthy Catch
TBC offers free 25,000 kringles (currently) when you register on the kringle.cash/?link=Motetbc website. Since the value of TBC depends on the total number of its members, the value of 25000 kringles as at June 4, 2018 was $2000. 
What are you waiting for? Get registered now.

Learn more about registering on the three major TBC sites for members.
